00. An Experimental Inquiry

Today, we’re inundated with unlimited choices when it comes to creating a rooted, consistent spiritual practice.

Drawing from thousands of years of wisdom traditions, as well as more modern tools; we’ve begun to add simple structure to our personal life practices.

During this process we've come across some questions...

  • What annual rituals do we want to maintain?

  • What does a daily, weekly, or monthly practice look like?

  • When is the right time to sit in ceremony? What kind? With who? How often? Do I even need to?

  • Emotional growth and communication practices. Which ones?

  • What is a rite of passage we can bring to our children as they come of age?

  • How do we transition into elderhood, death and beyond?

We want to explore these questions and similar topics with community. Over the next few months, we'll be hosting a series of curated dinners and virtual sessions.

Are you interested? You can join here.


Elyse and Zach