
We support a highly vetted selection of communities and community leaders who consistently bring together amazing people, create exceptional experiences and give form to community in our decentralized world. Communities are a pillar of how we meet, connect, practice and create meaning. Find your people here.

Our patron funded programs provide our communities with free support across many of the uniquely challenging aspects of convening community in service.

If you are interested in joining, booking or supporting a community, please be in touch with

  • Nākaloka (नाकलोक):—[=nāka-loka] m. the heavenly world, [Mahābhārata]

    an immersive and experiential benefit concert, for inner and outer wellbeing

    Nākaloka is an immersive sacred concert blending recitation from multiple faiths, world flutes, candlelight, mystic storytelling from various lineages, and song in inspiring venues across the world.

    The experience invites participants to disrupt the veil between human and divine embodiment through intentional and symbolic steps held in a potent sacred space.

  • Earth One is a global alliance of influential, generous, and daring leaders collaborating to catalyze a new approach to social and environmental stewardship.

  • The Clemente Course in the Humanities provides a transformative educational experience for adults facing economic hardship and adverse circumstances. Our free college humanities courses empower students to further their education and careers, become effective advocates for themselves and their families, and engage actively in the cultural and civic lives of their communities.

  • We are a global, intergenerational community that gathers online and offline for transformational experiences that explore mindfulness, creativity, and human connection.

  • A global home for a global community.

    Return exists to help shape a values-based community that transcends the traditional geographic borders, races, socio-economic status and religions that formerly separated us.

    Together, we define, create, and make tangible this identity for all.

    Return hosts gatherings, promotes knowledge, and unites a global community.

  • For more than ten years, our center, Tea Sage Hut, in Miao Li, Taiwan, hosted thousands of visitors and volunteers from around the world who came to learn about tea and meditation. We operated Tea Sage Hut on a donation basis, meaning that the courses were free. There was a donation box, but no one ever demanded you give, nor checked who gave or how much. Wu De always says, “We don’t want you to give—we want you to want to give!” In other words, only give if you really want to pass the experience you had at the center on to future guests, just as your course was paid for by previous tea lovers. We don’t want donations given out of obligation, but in the spirit of tea—money shared freely and lovingly, as the tea we served in the course was.

    We offered hundreds of ten-day “Introduction to Cha Dao” courses at Tea Sage Hut before its doors were closed in 2019. Now we are enthusiastic to build a bigger, better and more permanent tea center, which we call “Light Meets Life.” This new center will offer a much greater variety of courses on tea and meditation. It will also be a working tea farm with old-growth, ecological tea gardens for guests to work and live in during their stay, getting hands-on experience in tea processing as well as understanding the ecology and nature of sustainably-stewarded tea trees. We are currently working on buying land and building Light Meets Life. To stay up to date or contribute to this beautiful project, visit Light Meets Life.

    If you haven’t yet visited our center, we hope that you will one day, and that you too will come to feel and understand, as hundreds of visitors have, that this is not our center we are building, but rather yours. Join us in creating the world’s best and brightest tea farm and center!

  • Seven Senses is not just a retreat. It is a personal and collective journey- an awakening to the wholeness and power that resides within. In a stunning setting we come together to explore ourselves - mind, body, heart and spirit- through the symbolic lens of the seven chakras. Expect a week that blends movement, vinyasa & kundalini yoga, kriyas, breathwork, sound meditation, gestalt constellations, ritual, science & mysticism, and deep personal exploration - all in service of helping you see the parts of yourself normally hidden from view. With this expanded awareness, your life will change.

  • Academy of Oracle Arts is a school of Sacred Sciences, Mystical Arts, and Mystery Studies for all people that are called to be of benefit and service to the web of relations.

    Through remembering our divine nature, and creating a ritual way of life, we dedicate our workings to building a legacy for many generations to come.

  • The Library of Esoterica explores how centuries of artists have given form to mysticism, translating the arcane and the obscure into enduring, visionary works of art. Each subject is showcased through both modern and archival imagery culled from private collectors, libraries, and museums around the globe. The result forms an inclusive visual history, a study of our primal pull to dream and nightmare, and the creative ways we strive to connect to the divine.

  • An community of patrons, entrepreneurs, scientists, and mystics working at the forefront of consciousness.

  • Trybe provides meaningful ways for people to gather, connect, and share their lives in community.

    We engage with ancient rituals reimagined for modern life, helping us live in sync with the seasons of time and our own personal journeys.

    We believe in mobilizing this community around key causes.

    What began as a grassroots, self-funded movement has grown beyond our home in LA, bringing this magic to New York, San Francisco, Miami, and Washington, D.C. We are a collective of people like you.

  • Imagine a global economic system truly aligned with care for the earth and the whole of life for the benefit of current and future generations, guided by the ancestral wisdom and technologies of cultures that have lived this way for the larger course of human history. This is the work of The Fountain.

    There is growing awareness of the extraordinary wisdom originally developed and perennially sustained by the world’s ancestral indigenous peoples – peoples whose cultural genesis can be traced back to the original times. 

    It is in the return to the sacred origins and principles of this ancestral wisdom – calling for the unification of all peoples with the earth – that a return to balance and sustainability is to be found. The vision of The Fountain, and the extraordinary sacredness of its origin and seed, is of partnership between sharing original teachings, conscious collaboration, and being in action to activate sacred economics and sacred territories.

    Through the deep understanding, experience and relationships contained in its ecosystem, The Fountain exists to catalyse this journey to reconnection and ultimately to unification through its vision, mission, and values. 

    The path forward is to restore a global economy of reciprocity inspired by nature and the sacred – bringing together conscious investors, philanthropists, whole system entrepreneurs, leaders on transformational economics and finance and holders of indigenous ecological knowledge. A multi-disciplinary, intercultural exchange united in service to the earth and future generations.

  • We offer immersive biocultural heritage and decolonial experiences that blend diverse cultural epistemologies (ways of knowing), ancestral ontologies (ways of being) and cosmovisions, cognitive linguistics, Earth-wisdom, multi-generational community, and master plants, all rooted in regenerative systems revelation and solidarity with Earth's evolution.

  • Our mission is to help women remember their intrinsic connection to the Earth and the cycles of the Moon, through the creative power of their wombs and the magical power of women sitting in Circle, so that we can reconnect to Nature and step into the next phase of human evolution.

    By remembering and acknowledge the Yin/silent aspects of Life, we can come into balance, as it is only in this inner and outer embrace, of Yin and Yang, of negative and positive, of Feminine and Masculine, that we will evolve in harmony with Earth and Spirit.

namūna supports communities similar to how mainstream religions support theirs.

  • All of our communities are active in the religion of no religion world. As such we support them to achieve all possible support that main stream religious leaders have access to including but not limited to:

    • Various applicable religious tax-exemptions

    • Non-Profit status

    • Ordainment as a minister for weddings and funerals

    (Our religious exemptions do not or protect anyone who works with currently illegal substances and we do not endorse any of those practices.)

  • All communities receive non-profit status. We work with each community to set them up to be able to receive philanthropy from their community.

    • Non-profit religious status to receive philanthropy

    • Access to our network or patrons

    • Underwriting for retreats

    • Grants

    • Finance or Book keeping

    • Financial mentorship programs

  • All practitioners we support form a highly a highly vetted community. Collaborations, support and gatherings have proved to be highly rewarding.

    • Invitational Gatherings

    • Mastermind cohorts

    • Mentorship with other community leaders and guides

    • Monthly calls

  • Spiritual teachers shouldn’t also have to be good a Instagram and Quickbooks.

    • Operations

    • Accounting

    • Finance

    • Admin

    • Marketing

    • Collaborative marketing

  • namūna often functions like an ‘agency-ish’ for our unique world.

    • Support with event booking

    • Speaking

    • Workshop placement

    • negotiate compensation and donations

    • Support with donor communications

If you are interested in joining, booking or supporting a community, please be in touch with