A Community Gathering:

Gifting Consciousness & The Art of Practice

Personally co-hosted and curated by namūna founders, Elyse Lee & Zach Bell, Chōzen founders Tony & Ximena Cho & Yin Insitute founder Magdalena Sartori

APRIL 23-27, 2025

 ChoZen Retreat, Sebastian, Florida

The Topic

Deep spiritual work and artistic expression come from those who dedicate their lives to a form or practice. This tends to conflict with and exist outside the boundaries of what is traditionally bought, sold and traded in ‘the market.’ The nature of this work is not trade driven, but is a creative or otherworldly act; attuned to a different frequency.

A gift economy plants a seed for a way of being, that honors the spirit that truly moves us. It is emotional rather than transactional. Gifting changes the nature of things— it brings in spirit, soul, heart and connection… that a “transaction” lacks. When it comes to the matters of Spirit and Consciousness, and Community - gifting culture is especially important to nourish.

This will be intellectual, somatic, fun, and playful. These are always grand experiments and we have no clear outcome, but we know from experience that these explorations, when clearly guided, bear fruit. Inspired by last year’s salon, namūna took the takeaways to launch a program around gift consciousness to support our closest circle of practitioners, wisdom keepers, and sacred sites with a free, back-end agency and radical support of our religious entity.

 This is an invitational gathering for leaders & community membeers.

Recap from last years event:

A Gathering for Gatherers

Join leaders in their field from practitioners, scholars, elders, philosophers, artists, patrons and community leaders for a curated and participatory program to explore this timely topic.

We won’t have traditional ‘speakers’ as this is not a conference. Many of us are on stage or leading in public. This a private, participatory container to learn and explore with peers, subject matter experts, academics and practitioners in salon style discussions and somatic experiences.

We’re delighted to be joined by some exceptional musicians, facilitators, practitioners and speakers who will open up different somatic and intellectual moments for us to explore deeper.

Energetic Exchange:

The exchange of this experience includes accommodations, programming, and organic, local, delicious meals for five days and four nights. Cost of attendance begins at $1550, with upgraded accommodation options.

namūna is a 501c3 non-profit and we won’t turn anyone away due to cost. Our donors have made several scholarships available. Please enquire if you’d like assistance.


namuna is a 501c3 nonprofit religion supporting, connecting, and adding value to the unique humans who exist outside traditional boundaries. We support those who dedicate their lives to service and practice.

Our key initiatives aim to support and make accessible to a wider audience a highly vetted and diverse, global community of Guides, Communities, and Sacred Sites. Without dogma or doctrine, we offer similar resources that traditional religions offer their communities.

Last Years Gathering

We use these events to bring together our Guides, Community Leaders, Sacred Site Stewards, Patrons and to meet new folks who me might invite into our community.

Last years participants included:

Kumu Ramsay Taum, Jai Dev Singh, Jamie Wheal, Library of Esoterica Founder Jessica Hundley, Dr. Erica Matluck, Baylen Elpseth, Paul Kuhn, Trybe Founder Chaya Bindell, Tim Chang, Celtic Ventures founder Eoghan Okeeffe, Daniel Pinchbeck, Isis Indriya, Tony and Ximena Cho, Ganga Devi Braun, Rabbi Bortz, Harvard Divinity School Scholar Jeffrey Breau, Rachel Rossitto, Adam Roa, Intelligent Change founder Alex Ikon, Ondalinda Founder Lulu Lachaire, Happy Hoffman, Jess Magic, Oceanic Global Founder Lea Dauriol, Advaya Founder Ruby Reed, Sofia Thom, , and more amazing leaders.